7 days in Paris, Paris & the Heart of France, Paris & the South, and more...

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Paris Tour Saint Jacques : Via Parisiensis, way to Santiago de Compostella

Hi Arnaud!

It's Bridgete from the 7 day Paris tour.  I've attached a photo I took because I simply cannot remember what it is and I'm hoping you can help.  Thanks!

Hope all is well.


"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
-Mohandas Gandhi


  1. That is Tour Saint-Jacques. Her is what Wikipedia has to say: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Jacques_Tower

  2. This is the Tour Saint Jacques, last remains of the saint Jacques de la Boucherie church destroyed in the 19th century by the Paris modernization under Napoleon III's. Departure from paris for the famous Santiago de Compostella pilgrimage in Spain where Saint James is buried...
